Yule Traditions and Symbols
Evergreens for Yule Evergreens were cut and brought indoors to symbolize life, rebirth and renewal. They were thought to have power over death because their green never faded and they were used to defeat winter demons and hold back death and destruction. Because of their strenght and tenacity, they were also believed to encourage Sun's return. Christmas Holly Holly,which represents the masculine element , was often used to decorate doors, windows and fireplaces.Because of its prickliness it was thought to capture or ward off evil spirits before they could enter a home and cause harm. The holly leaves , symbolic of the Holly King, represent hope , and the red berries represent potency. Holiday Traditions: Mistletoe Mistletoe, which represents the female element, also holds much importance as it was used by Druid priests in special ceremonies during the Winter Solstice. They believed that its green leaves represented the fertility of the Mother Goddess, and its white be...